
Alga Back-End.

Work Details

The work performed consists of the back-end development of a widely used app among Ocean Protocol users. We used various data mining techniques and on-chain communication protocols (such as subgraph queries or transaction fetching and decoding) to extract interesting statistics on datasets and liquidity pools on Ocean and on both Ethereum and Polygon chains, such as liquidity history, number of liquidity providers, arithmetic mean of the amount of tokens consumed for using the dataset, and various statistics on time intervals. This data is updated in real-time and shared via the Rest API.

ClaimKitty Token Airdrop Smart contract & UI.

Work Details

ClaimKitty is an app made for all developers with the aim of simplifying the AirDrop of tokens. We have built a system that can airdrop tokens to any number of users up to a few hundred thousand safely. Users will be able to claim their tokens via a platform page on Ethereum and the main EVMs (BSC, Polygon, Arbitrium etc...).

Metadata analytics for NFTs Collection.

  • Category : Blockchain Analytics
  • Committent : Private Customer
  • Enviroment : Ethereum
  • Useful Links :

    Github,  Tweet Announcement

Work Details

We created a tool for extracting and analysing the metadata of the main NFT collections and delivered the script to the user. The user obtained the metadata via HTTPS requests and then calculated statistics on the rarity of NFT traits such as the Rarity Score via the formula shared by Rarity Tools. With this data, the user was able to identify the most valued traits and use it for his trading strategies.

NFT Collection Development.

  • Category : Blockchain Development
  • Committent : ClaimKitty
  • Enviroment : Arbitrium
  • Useful Links :

    App Website,

Work Details

We are developing the NFT collection of the ClaimKitty dApp. These NFTs will allow huge benefits to the holders: they will get big discounts on AirDrop creation fees and passive incomes on token exchange.

Otherdeed NFTs Trait Analysis for Ocean Market.

Work Details

We developed software that fetches and decodes transactions from a given collection of NFTs. Two types of traits are calculated from these transactions: The most valued and the most profitable. The former are calculated by considering different price categories and calculating the frequency of a given trait in the highest priced category. In this way, the most valued traits can be defined. The most profitable traits, on the other hand, are defined by finding the NFTs with the highest ROI and using the same frequency calculation mechanism.

Real time extraction and visualization of Tweets.

  • Category : Blockchain Analytics
  • Committent : TradeFi
  • Enviroment : Social Media
  • Useful Links :

    Tweet Announcement

Work Details

We have developed a tool for TradeFi, a private group of cryptotraders. The task consists in a crawler capable of instantly extracting the tweets of a list of accounts and archiving them in CSV format and display on a Web Page. All of these accounts provides insight into liquidity, volumes, whale activity etc. of several cryptocurrencies.